Monday 30 May 2016

New video footage of Harambe shows 400lb gorilla HOLDING HANDS with boy who fell into US zoo enclosure as witnesses say the animal was 'acting protectively' before being shot by keepers

New video footage of Harambe the gorilla suggest he was trying to protect a four year old boy who fell into the zoo enclosure just minutes before the 400-pound animal was fatally shot.

The clip shows Harambe standing guard over the boy in the corner of the moat, and the two even share a brief moment holding hands.

Witnesses said the gorilla was acting protectively in the tense situation, which may have been aggravated by panicked onlookers who screamed as they watched from above.

Cincinnati Zoo Director Thane Maynard confirmed the gorilla did not appear to be attacking the child, but he described it as 'an extremely strong animal in an agitated situation' before supporting the animal response team's decision to kill Harambe.

The incident, which was captured on cell phone, has sparked an outcry of emotion, with thousands of mourners branding it a 'senseless death'.

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