Wednesday 18 May 2016

Barry Bonds Calls Racism On Daughter's Private School ... White Kids Rapping N-Word

Barry Bonds is outraged over a video of several white kids who attend his daughter's fancy Brentwood private school using the n-word while rapping along with a popular song.

The 26-second clip -- posted by Brentwood Students Against Racism -- shows several young white teens singing along to A$AP Ferg's, "Dump Dump" ... which features the lyric, "I f***** your bitch, n****."

The video got to Barry, whose daughter, Aisha, attends Brentwood School ($37,000 a year) -- and he tweeted, "I am sad that i had to see this at my daughters school. #Racism #Fixit #Suspension."

He's not the only one calling for action ... a petition was launched and already has more than 400 signatures. 

Not everyone is on the warpath -- a student who wished to remain anonymous spoke with NBC4 and condemned using the n-word, but said the kids should NOT be punished.

"It's a small segment of the school that is making a big fuss over nothing ... Some of the extreme activists on campus are calling singing along to a rap song a 'hate crime' or 'hate speech' but that is a load of hogwash."

The school has called the lyrics “offensive and inconsistent with our core values."

School officials add, "We are investigating this insensitive behavior, will address the situation directly, and will respond seriously.”


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