Wednesday 20 April 2016

Trump's fairytale in New York: The Donald crushes rivals in his home state with 60% of the vote and nearly all the delegates as John Kasich takes second with 25% and Ted Cruz is a distant third

Donald Trump cruised to victory in New York on Tuesday, crushing his two remaining opponents in what could be the high water mark of his unconventional Republican primary campaign.

A triumphant Trump entered the lobby of his signature Trump Tower to speak to supporters as Frank Sinatra's 'New York, New York' blared over loudspeakers.

The GOP front-runner thanked 'the people who know me best' for a resounding win over Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

The only region of the state he lost, to Kasich, was the New York City borough of Manhattan - where he and those people live and work. Trump claimed at least 89 of New York's 95 delegates to the Republican National Convention. Kasich won three.

The final three were still undecided as midnight approached, but Trump will likely claim at least two of them. 'We're going to end at a very high level and get more delegates than anyone projected,' he boasted. With 93 per cent of the votes counted, Trump had 60.0 per cent of ballots cast.

Kasich had 25.2 per cent of the vote and Cruz brought up the rear with 14.8 per cent. 'We don't have much of a race anymore, based on what I'm seeing on television.

Senator Cruz is just about mathematically eliminated' ' said Trump, as he seemed to look past the remaining primary contests with an eye toward November - although he made no mention of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

She easily won the Democratic primary in New York with 58 percent of the vote to Sanders' 42 percent.


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