Thursday 21 April 2016

Mama don't preach: Madonna marches down to 15-year-old Rocco's North London school to meet with teachers... after mother-son duo repair their relationship

Now that her son Rocco Ritchie is settled in London with his father Guy, Madonna appeared to take it upon herself to make sure he's getting on well in his studies.

The 57-year-old mother of four paid a visit to the 15-year-old's North London school on Tuesday to check up on his education after successfully rebuilding their relationship.

The B**** I'm Madonna singer was snapped in deep conversation with the head of the prestigious school and - appearing satisfied with the outcome - left with a broad smile on her face.

The musician was not necessarily out of place among the creative teenagers standing outside, when she showed up wearing fingerless gloves and brogues with characteristically kooky perspex heels.

But her high profile was clear from her signature dark sunglasses and rocky chains adorning her all-black appearance in a long coat.

Madonna is said to have spent around an hour at the school, where her son is now a student after reportedly abandoning the singer's Rebel Heart tour to be with his father in 2015.

On her role in Rocco's schooling, a source close to the singer said: 'Madonna is taking every step she can to make sure Rocco's doing well on every level, and of course that includes his education.'

At the independent school where Rocco is a student, youngsters can study over 20 A-level subjects in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

The star seems to have successfully repaired her rocky relationship with her eldest son and has been seen treating him to nights out and theatre shows since completing the global tour she was on and jetting straight to London, especially to be reunited with him.

Previously, a court ruling ordered that Rocco return to his mother in New York before Christmas, but the youngster refused.

Under similar circumstances, his famous parents have been motivated by the latest court ruling in his bitter custody dispute to work together to decide his future.

Guy, who's now remarried to model Jacqui Ainsley with three young children of their own, appeared to make amends by visiting her London home twice this week.

And while the acclaimed film director did bring a bottle of red wine, he did not bring his younger wife Jacqui.

Rocco is currently staying with the pop songstress, who is also mother to Lourdes Leon, Mercy and David Banda.

Concerns were raised for teenage Rocco last weekend when he was pictured drinking and smoking under a bridge with friends.

But any grief he found himself in with his mother seemed to blow over quickly as they enjoyed multiple outings together in the spotlight this week.

A few days ago, Madonna and Rocco were photographed at London's Barbican art centre, where they visited a photography exhibit called Strange And Familiar.

In addition to their gallery trip, the pair went to the cinema to see Batman vs Superman and were seen enjoying a meal at the celebrity restaurant Chiltern Firehouse.

She was also seen treating the teenager and some of his friends to a performance of You Me Bum Bum train in Soho earlier this week.


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